Clear Chamber for Automotive Components Production Testing

It is vital to perform Production Quality Control testing on Automotive components during manufacturing. Our Client used the chamber above to perform tests on several automotive components coming of the production line.

The Chamber you are looking at is about 12 inch Wide, 18 inches Deep, and 20 inches High. This is a custom design and slight modification from our regular front load, hinged door model. Our Client was also looking to connect and run electricity from the outside towards the inside of the chamber and wanted to keep the vacuum constant. An electrical vacuum feedthrough allows the operator to run electrical signals into the chamber without compromising the vacuum levels. The feedthrough will work even at low or high vacuum testing operations.

Are you in the automotive industry and looking for a good vacuum system? Contact Us to see how we can be of service.

We have many more resources on our website that you should check out

Our clients prefer to work with us because we are Experts in Vacuum Science and Technology. There is a tremendous amount of valuable resources and information regarding vacuum systems and vacuum technology; check them out by clicking on the links below.

Acrylic Vacuum Chambers
Acrylic Vacuum Chambers are, as the name implies, vacuum chambers made from the Acrylic Polymer. There are several advantages to acrylic vacuum chambers the three main ones being 1. Fully Transparent, 2. Cost Effective, and 3. Versatile and Highly Customizable.
Power Vacuum Feedthroughs
Power vacuum feedthroughs are hermetically sealed off the shelf components used to transfer electrical power from the outside of the vacuum chamber into the inside of the vacuum chamber without compromising the vacuum. One example application would be powering an electronic device inside the vacuum chamber
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