Custom Vacuum Chamber for Biomedical Instrumentation in Molecular Biology

Have you ever had the need to run your electronics inside a vacuum environment? If the answer is yes, you have come to the right place.

Our client had the need to power several electronic items and instruments inside a vacuum environment and had a need to plug the instrumentation into a electrical wall socket and then test these while pulling a vacuum. Conversely, our client planned on performing additional liquid and gas phase experimentation which is why they needed two electrical plugs.

We built an Acrylic Vacuum Chamber with two electrical plugs on the rear wall. All our client had to do is get an extension cable from their local hardware store and plug these in from the back of the chamber. Now, they can plug in their instrumentation from the inside of the chamber, close the door, and pull a vacuum.

This is a customization to our standard acrylic vacuum chamber, front loading door, with a hinged side door. The front loading door is beneficial when the vacuum chamber is placed onto a table top. The operator can simply load and unload the chamber sitting down at their desk. Finally, instead of a dial vacuum gauge, we supplied them with a NW25 fitting for them to connect a digital vacuum gauge capable of reading vacuum in 3 significant figures.

If you are a Biotech company looking for a robust and well-designed vacuum systems, Contact Us to find out why we are the market leader in our field.

Did you know that we carry a many more products?

We are an Engineering Excellence Company. You should check out some of our other items we carry; click on the links below.

Vacuum Decay Leak Testing Systems
Vacuum Decay Leak Testing Systems are Instruments that detect and quantify a leak by measuring the drop in vacuum (pressure) inside the specimen. During a vacuum decay leak test, the specimen is placed into a vacuum chamber, the vacuum is pulled to a specified setpoint, and the drop in vacuum is monitored and recorded over time. If a leak in the specimen exists, the air will travel from a higher pressure (inside the specimen) to a lower pressure (vacuum chamber). As a results of the additional air, the vacuum levels will drop whereas a leak can be detected and quantified.
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps are the most widely used vacuum pump in the industry. When it comes to performance at a reasonable price, rotary vane vacuum pumps are the way to go. Many Rotary Vane Pumps can achieve 2 to 5 milliTorr vacuum rating at a good volumetric flowrate (2 to 20 CFM) at a very reasonable price (hundreds to a few thousand dollars)
Our Work: Leak Quality Testing and Quality Control of Packets
Quality Control during Production runs is a very important procedure you must perform on your manufactured products. This is especially critical is you are an FDA manufacturer where regulatory compliance is important and necessary. Our Vacuum Chambers are specifically built to assist you meet your Quality Control and Regulatory compliance needs.
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