Altitude Simulation Systems
An altitude simulation system enables you to simulate altitudes up to 250,000 ft or beyond. This system is specifically designed to enable simulation of certain altitude. Furthermore, specific recipes can be programmed in order to enable the user to have an altitude vs time profile. For example, if you wish to set your altitude to say, 5,000 ft, hold it there for 10 minutes and then go up to 15,000 ft and hold it there for 30 minutes, you can do that. Another cool feature is the ramp rate, you can specify the altitude ramping rate while you climb; this feature is beneficial when looking to simulate altitude changes of an airplane taking off.
This system is fully assembled and ready to go. Our Standard Altitude Simulation System consists of either an acrylic vacuum chamber sized at 12, 18, 24 inch Inside dimensions or a stainless steel vacuum chamber sized at either 24 or 36 inch Inside Dimensions. This chamber is placed onto a table frame structure with lockable swivel casters. On the lower shelf is where the vacuum pump is housed. In addition to the vacuum pump, an altitude controller is incorporated so that the user simply inputs the altitude, duration, or recipe, presses the START button, and this system does the rest.
This system is very popular among the aerospace industry where it is critical to test how specimen or product behaves at different altitudes. It is also popular among Medical Device and Food manufacturers.

Altitude Simulation System, made by Sanatron, fully setup and ready to go. This Altitude simulation ...More Info

Altitude Simulation System, made by Sanatron, fully setup and ready to go. This Altitude simulation ...More Info

Altitude Simulation System, made by Sanatron, fully setup and ready to go. This Altitude simulation ...More Info

Altitude Simulation System, made by Sanatron, fully setup and ready to go. This Altitude simulation ...More Info