Vacuum Wobble Stick And A Vacuum Linear Actuator

Vacuum Wobble Stick And A Vacuum Linear Actuator 01
Vacuum Wobble Stick And A Vacuum Linear Actuator 01
A Vacuum Wobble Stick And A Vacuum Linear Actuator are used to interact with chamber interiors while the chamber is closed and under vacuum. This is our standard 20 inch acrylic vacuum chamber, hinged front door that features two types of vacuum motion, manipulation, and interaction while specimen is under vacuum.

The first type is a vacuum wobble stick which is the only one in the vacuum industry to have the ability to wobble at 60 Degrees conical angle, have a linear travel of 10 inches, and have full clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. The second type is a linear slide, it features a linear motion of 14 inches. In addition to linear motion, this vacuum linear slide is also capable of full clockwise and counterclockwise rotation.

Keep in mind that these vacuum actuators are not rated for UHV, these are designed for rough, low, and medium (RLM) vacuum environments to be used specifically with acrylic vacuum chambers or in systems where UHV is not a requirement. The advantages of using such vacuum actuators in RLM environments is the cost savings that are an order of magnitude lower as well as the simplicity of design, customization, and integration.

Video of the Vacuum Wobble Stick And A Vacuum Linear Motion Actuator

Did you know that we carry a many more products?

Our clients prefer to work with us because we are Experts in Custom Fabrication (especially Polymer Fabrication). There is a tremendous amount of valuable resources and information regarding vacuum systems and vacuum technology; check them out by clicking on the links below.

Vacuum Chamber and Pump Systems
Our Vacuum Chamber and pump systems are fully setup and ready to go. What you get is a vacuum chamber, a vacuum pump, and connection hardware. We carry acrylic or metallic vacuum chambers and a whole range of vacuum pumps from Rotary Vane, Piston, or Venturi. What type of vacuum chamber and pump system you want depends on your project requirement, budget, and other specifications.
Altitude Simulation Controller Instruments
An Altitude simulation Controller is type of vacuum controller that simulates a certain altitude because altitude can be derived from vacuum levels. An altitude simulation controller will enable you to hold your vacuum level at a certain altitude equivalent of testing, run an altitude vs time profile, or rate of change of altitude vs. time. Further options include a vacuum pump relay that will control when the vacuum pump turns on and a vacuum valve.
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