Bubble Leak Testing System with a Dry off Sink used for Leak Testing Large Bags

How do you leak test Large Food Bags?

This is the same question a Large Food and Beverage Processor had asked themselves because they had need for a bubble leak testing system which could be used to detect presence of leaks in their large bags. Their requirements were to test several sized bags with the largest bag being 24 inches Wide by 12 inch Deep by 9 inches High. In addition to the bubble leak testing system, they also needed a way to dry the bags after the test.

Why is leak testing done on Large Food Bags?

It is very important to leak test large bags of food for several reasons. First, a leak in the bag, will decrease the shelf life of its contents. Second, a leak will cause the contents to go stale faster resulting in decreased quality. Third, a leak is a contamination risk as it allows for bacterial, viral, and fungi to enter the contents and spoil them. The damage caused by a leaking package is far beyond the damage to the product. There is also the potential risk of soiling of customer relations, not to mention the potential for health hazards.

Fortunately, an Acrylic Bubble Emission Testing System is commonly used in the Food and Beverage industry to leak test large bags containing Hops, Soy, Corn, Wheat, or any other grain. Any bags that are non-porous and heat sealed and which required a full hermetic seal can be leak tested by a bubble leak tester.

About this Leak Testing System

Since this leak testing system is operated indoor, an oil free vacuum pump is the recommended choice because the maintenance is minimal and there are no oil mist emissions from the vacuum pump. The inside dimensions of this Acrylic Vacuum Tank are 35 Wide x 18 Deep x 12 Hight, it has a Gas Spring to Support the Lid which is kept in place during the loading and unloading of the large test bag. To the right side of the tank, you can see the dry off sink, this is where the bags are dried off after they have been dunked for the leak test. The assembly is housed on a frame structure which connects the Leak Testing Tank, the Vacuum Pump, and the Dry-Off sink. It is a complete, fully assembled system – Just Add Water.

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We treat our customers well by Over-Delivering on our Promises (reason why we are Highly Rated on Google My Business). There is a tremendous amount of valuable resources and information regarding vacuum systems and vacuum technology; check them out by clicking on the links below.

Helium Leak Testing Systems
Helium Leak Testing Systems are instruments which detect leaks in specimen by detecting present of helium. Helium is used as a tracer gas to detect and quantify a leak. For example, a test specimen is filled with helium and placed into a test chamber, a vacuum is pulled and a helium mass spectrometer is connected to the test chamber. If helium is detected, it is due to the fact that it has escaped from the specimen through a leak path. Helium Leak Testing is a qualitative and quantitative method of detecting product leaks.
Vacuum Controller Instruments
Vacuum Controller Instruments are devices that measure and control for vacuum inside a vacuum chamber. A vacuum controller consists of a vacuum gauge, control system, and an Human Machine Interface; options include vacuum pump relays and Vacuum valves. A vacuum Controller will enable you to store products at a specified vacuum level or run a vacuum vs. time profile.
Our Work: Bubble Leak Testing System with a Dry off Sink used for Leak Testing Large Bags
How do you leak test Large Food Bags? This is the same question a Large Food and Beverage Processor had asked themselves because they had need for a bubble leak testing system which could be used to detect presence of leaks in their large bags. Their requirements were to test several sized bags with the largest bag being 24 inches Wide by 12 inch Deep by 9 inches High. In addition to the bubble leak testing system, they also needed a way to dry the bags after the test.
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