Laser Beam Welding Low Vacuum Purge Chamber

Laser Beam Welding Low Vacuum Purge Chamber sitting on a pallet
This was actually not a vacuum chamber per se but more like a vacuum purge unit. Our customer, who is from academia. had gotten a custom made CNC laser beam welding unit. They were looking for a way to purge the surrounding air and fill it with inert gas in order to prevent oxidation and contamination from the laser heat source. We suggested several small chambers with a viewport for their laser welder. However, they wanted to encase the whole CNC unit inside a chamber which would be lift able by a crane for easy access.

After going back and forth with us trying to talk them out of getting such a large chamber and encasing the whole unit, we finally agreed because they were only looking to purge the air out and inject argon; hence this unit would never go below a gauge vacuum of - 3psi.

What you see here is a vacuum purge chamber for a CNC laser welder with dimensions of 28 inch wide, 30 inch deep, and 35 inch high. The whole chamber sits on an aluminum plate that has clamps in order to clamp down the chamber during the purging process. We also added a lifting holes and reinforcement ribs for structural robustness in case one of their graduate students forgets to turn off the vacuum pump...

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Our clients prefer to work with us because we are Experts in Vacuum Science and Technology. What are you building? Take a look at the links below and discover some of the cool things we make.

Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers
Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers are Pressure chambers that are capable of vacuum ratings that are the same vacuum rating of acrylic vacuum chambers. Keep in mind that Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers have a pressure limit of 15PSIG
Viewport Vacuum Feedthroughs
Viewports Vacuum Feedthroughs are windows that enable you to look into the inside of your vacuum chamber. If you are using a metallic vacuum chamber with a metallic lid, you will not be able to view the interior of your vacuum chamber unless you have a viewport. Viewports also enable a different electromagnetic spectrum of light to passthroughs.
Our Work: Vacuum Storage of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Supplies
A pharmaceutical manufacturer contacted us to build them a large vacuum storage system for their pharmaceutical products. They were looking for as much footprint as possible which is why they got a two-chamber system from us. They needed a total of 6 shelves per chamber including trays. Finally, they were looking to have both chambers to be placed on a table frame assembly with lockable swivel casters. What you are seeing is a two chamber system, each chamber is our 20 inch cube acrylic vacuum chamber, front load hinged door. Each chamber can be accesses independently while the other is under vacuum. The trays can be easily loaded and unloaded. This whole system can also be moved to anywhere in their facility.
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